Land Use

Led by Bryan Wenter, HSW has a boutique land use practice that handles every type of development project in California, including residential, commercial, retail, mixed-use, office, institutional, entertainment, and industrial projects. We advise and guide our clients in all aspects of land use law, including due diligence, land use permitting, and post-entitlement project implementation. We also assist our clients in the administrative and litigation process that is often needed to defend or seek project approvals.

We have close relationships with agency officials and staff as well as industry consultants and technical professionals and understand how to successfully navigate California’s complicated development process to efficiently and effectively achieve our clients’ varied objectives.

HSW’s attorneys have successfully handled development projects throughout California and have deep expertise in a wide array of relevant laws including:

  • CEQA

  • Planning and Zoning Laws

  • Housing Element Law

  • Housing Accountability Act

  • Senate Bill 330 and Senate Bill 8

  • Vested Rights

  • Builder’s Remedy

  • Density Bonus Law

  • Development Agreement Law

  • Subdivision Map Act

  • California Coastal Act

  • Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Act (LAFCO law)

  • Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts

  • Permit Streamlining Act

  • Prevailing Wage Law

  • Mitigation Fee Act

  • Surplus Lands Act

  • Initiative and Referendum Law

  • Ralph M. Brown Act

  • Public Records Act

  • Takings and Exactions